
January 6, 2012

Day 1: The adventure begins

Picked up the keys then met for a picnic dinner of fajitas on the dining room floor at Farwell Manor.


Strolled about the house calling out ideas and looking for treasures. Found an old crate under the basement stairs in wonderful condition. Yes, that does say 1931-32 on the side. And, for the uninitiated, a gross is twelve dozen. Perhaps a relic of Kitchener's brewing heyday.
200 gross is a lot of corks (or seals) Pretty old, I guess

Looks like the main floor also has original hardwood floors buried under linoleum (see picture of cork crate) in the kitchen and carpet in the living room and dining room (see picture of fajita). Not getting hopes up as the 1/4" plywood under the carpet may be tacked down with ring nails which will wreck havoc on the hardwood to pull. No buried hardwood on the second floor though; flooring is tongue and groove boards covered with some nasty black stuff followed by linoleum tile followed by disintegrating underlay and the thinnest carpet I have ever seen (mercifully not pictured).

Note: after some research it seems more likely the cork crate actually held bottle caps

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