
February 7, 2012

Day 33: Basement gut - part deux

Talk about a productive weekend! With the help of our lovely friends Maneesh and Ade (thank you!), the basement is looking a little different these days. I'll let the photos do the talking.

Laundry Space and Toilet Stall
Saturday, January 7, 2012 - when we got possession

Saturday, February 4, 2012 - ceiling chucked; laundry pair removed; toilet stall, shelf, and laundry chute (from the kitchen cabinet?) dismantled; wall deconstruction started.

Sunday, February 5, 2012 - utility room wall removed and wood paneling stripped off. The utility room wall was made of shiplap boards that are in pretty good condition. We were able to keep almost all boards intact with minimal damage (sliding the long pieces out that back window) and are hoping to use them for a special project that I won't mention yet for fear of jinxing it :)

Here's a new perspective on things: view from behind the toilet, standing in the utility room, towards the front of the house.

Den / Furnace Room
Saturday, January 7, 2012 - when we got possession

Sunday, February 5, 2012 - What lurks beneath the wood paneling?  Some "insulation" - basically a 1/2 inch layer of styrofoam - and something of a moisture barrier.

Ceiling tile gone; walls stripped; carpet removed

A big pile of wood waiting to be de-nailed.

We've still got the cold room to tackle but since the walls in there are already bare, it'll be a simple matter of deconstructing the shelves and finding a new home for all of the sorted wood and paneling.

In other news, our electrician got to work yesterday on the knob and tube re-wiring. It's a big job and he's working alone so he'll be at it for over two weeks. It's a good thing we're not living at the house yet because it means he can work faster without having to worry about where he's working at which time and keeping certain lines live for us.


  1. You know where my head went with the "special project" right?

    1. I think we can safely say that no such special projects will be happening in this house while we're living here.
