
May 18, 2012

Day 134: Long weekend warm-up

Apologies to all for the long silence. It has been - and will continue to be - a busy time for school work and various other activities.

You may notice that things look a little bit different around here on the blog (which you may not be able to see if you're reading this in an email or feed reader). Now that we have a handful of posts, I'm experimenting with the Blogger's dynamic views template that shows a sidebar menu listing all of the posts. You can also play around with some neat templates that organize the posts and photos in different ways, as demonstrated in this video from Google. Let me know what you think? Are you enjoying the new ways to organize? Do you find it annoying and just want the plain old layout back?

This will be a quick post to follow up on the last one. We've been able to identify a few of the mystery plants.

Mystery #2 is Phlox. I'm quite excited about this one because a quick internet search for "phlox" show lots of pretty flowers... and who doesn't love pretty flowers? We transplanted a ton of it from the garden into the raised bed where it is flourishing (though not flowering yet).

Mystery #6 is your common day lily. This stuff was literally covering 1/3 of the garden. We didn't want to toss it all but we definitely didn't have space to move it. Solution: kijiji! Garrett posted an ad on kijiji last Friday evening for day lilies, free to anyone who wanted to come get some. By Saturday afternoon, 5 people had come by. It didn't take long for the lot to get cleared out and it's especially nice to know the plants would be going to good use. One person even brought some mint and chives in exchange!

Mystery #7 is called Stork's Bill on account of the stork-bill-like seed pod. This is one I (proudly) figured out using Newcomb's Wildflower Guide. The flowers only open up in bright sunlight, which is pretty neat to see.

We're thinking of moving it all to the side of the house under the dining window extension. This spot was covered with some weird stop-things-from-growing mesh and a few stones. Turning over the stones revealed sight that was equal parts nasty and cool:
Look at the size of those eggs! Holy smokes! I have a video too :)

This Star of Bethlehem just started blooming in the past week and, like the Stork's Bill, the flowers only open up in sunshine. There's a big cluster of it under the shrub in the front/side flower bed that we thought was a magnolia.

I won't say much more about plants as we're planning on putting together a comprehensive Great Plant Identification Project page listing all of the plants we've mentioned and identified.

Now that we've gotten almost all of the garden cleared out, we've been able to actually get a few veggies into the ground.

Our tomato, cucumber, and broccoli seedlings are doing very well and may be ready to be planted this weekend. The peppers have failed miserably with only two seedlings sprouted and a couple more that poked up yesterday. Thank goodness for a local seedling sale happening this weekend just up the road!

With a holiday on Monday, this weekend will be a good time to finally get going on the basement, which has been sorely neglected lately in favour of the much warmer and greener outdoors. Sounds to me like a good excuse to hide from a hot May long weekend:

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