
August 15, 2012

Day 223: La récolte

There's no better way to come home after six weeks away than to a garden overflowing with goods. For those who weren't aware, I was in Trois-Pistoles, Québec for five weeks studying and living en français. You may have realized that it was Garrett, alone, enjoying the fruits of our labour based on the very succinct updates of late. Nothing says "love" to me like photo-filled blog posts, so I will reciprocate.

A couple of overall shots to give you an idea of what smacked me in the face Tuesday morning when I finally stepped foot in the backyard.

Most of the plants are tall, laden, and sprawling! The tomatoes have started and we are readying ourselves for the onslaught. The beans show no signs of slowing down.
The early tomatoes. Beans a-plenty!

Some plants aren't quite as productive yet. The watermelon plant we picked up at the Little City Farm Seedling Sale (as mentioned on Day 136) has claimed a good section of the garden for its own - see the second photo above. Just the one watermelon on the plant so far but there are lots of blossoms so we're hoping a few more will come along. As previously discussed, our sad pepper situation has manifested itself in these two lonely peppers (to date) on one of the two plants that successfully survived from the many-more-than-two seeds we sowed.
Yellow watermelon - about Garrett-fist sized. Peppers.

We picked the first corn yesterday from the very tall plants. About half of the third plantings survived without getting plucked by whatever vicious creature it was that made several plantings necessary. I see it as a blessing that we've got corn at different stages of growth so that the harvest is staggered over time.
Corn... tall!

My first pickings from the garden. As you can see, I'm excited to be enjoying and tasting rather than watching from afar.

I'll end here with a couple of hipster photos I snapped with my phone of the rhubarb that is now sitting happily in our stomachs in cake form. Mmmm...

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