
October 14, 2012

Day 283: Bathroom Walls 2/3 Complete

I'd like to say we've been so busy working away at the basement that we haven't had time to update you. Unfortunately, the truth is that we haven't been working away at the basement at all. What with a Thanksgiving weekend trip to Ottawa/Montreal, being productive on school/work fronts, playing some slo-pitch here and there, and making tasty home-cooked meals like this pizza, the basement has been sorely neglected.
The only three peppers our little plants produced + sauce made from garden tomatoes + our favourite crust recipe + smoked mozzarella. Mmmm...
Even the laundry piles grew to new heights as we seemed to avoid anything to do with the basement. Then this happened on Friday:
Having a blast (honestly, no sarcasm here) while attempting to fix a broken laptop. Problem appears to be software or integrated circuit related. No solution was found in the dismantling and reconstruction.

With a temporarily decommissioned laptop and a growing urge to retake our garage from that stack of drywall, we pulled out the drill and got back to work. That gap beside the (future) toilet was drywalled, as was the wall space above the (future) counter.
The wood panels that we tore down all those months ago got put right back on, back to front this time. The space below the scrap plywood boards (that are approximately counter height) is going to be behind cabinets so we didn't feel it was necessary to drywall all the way across. The back of the light switch wall is now looking super classy with a new outlet and three different materials showing.
It almost outclasses the new foam "carpet" in the basement hall. The idea is to create a warm path from the stairs to the bathroom for more comfortable laundry doing or midnight toilet use (because we will have a toilet installed... one day...). The original idea was to use FLOR carpet tiles and have them continue in a path up the stair treads. I'd still like to do that eventually but, with lots of reno-ing and things being hauled and sawed, these on-sale foam pads do the trick for now.
Check out that classy diamond plate pattern.

With two of the three walls now fully covered, the room is starting to feel more complete. "More" being the keyword there as this to-do list will show "complete" is not a word I should be using:
  • Fix return duct in ceiling
  • Build soffit around gas and water lines
  • Create washer box in wall for laundry supply/drain
  • Drywall behind laundry machines
  • Mud and tape walls
  • Build cabinets
  • Install countertop, sink and faucet
  • Rebuild laundry platform
  • Build laundry cupboard
  • Grout shower floor and ceiling
  • Shower door
  • Paint walls and cabinets
  • Install beadboard and chair rail
  • Install toilet
  • Install light fixtures
  • Build and hang mirror
  • Build/get/install door and jamb
  • Install ceiling

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