
April 27, 2014

Day 842: An adventure of a different kind

(Note from the future: if you're getting this post in an email update or RSS feed seemingly one year after it was written, fear not. Your inbox is not regurgitating old messages at you. I am, in fact, playing catch up and cheating by back dating posts. You'll see a few more posts in the next little while to highlight where this adventure at Farwell Manor ended up.)

Just a quick update here. We did, in fact, get our kitchen in order with a countertop and appliances by Christmas 2013. What we didn't do was get a nice set of photos so a final kitchen post will need to wait. Guess we've been having too much fun this winter with family visits and, oh, just a little trip to Costa Rica.

But it hasn't been all lazing around...

Howler monkey in Corcovado National Park, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

and taking in the views.
Sunset over Golfo Dulce Massive ficus in Corcovado National Park

Just before leaving for sunnier skies, we were lucky enough to get a big hand from a certain brother-in-law and the bathroom is looking mighty fine: 

Just kidding. Although I was quite taken with this concrete countertop + integrated sink at the house we stayed at in Drake Bay. But seriously, it was great to see our bathroom make a huge transformation from blank slate to having walls and a bathtub and tile right before we jetted off. Pics to come in the next post.

Psst! If you'd like to see more amazing wildlife and gorgeous scenery, you can check out more photos from the trip here.

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