
July 6, 2012

Day 183: Garden Update

A quick update on the garden for the decidedly un-present.

Corn - Status: third replant has yet to be destroyed, initial survivors are up to three and a half feet tall.

Tomato - Status: some fruit appearing, plants a bit scraggley

Potato - Status: Doing surprisingly well as always

Broccoli - Status: lone survivor of six from animal attack is fighting hard
Watermelon - Status: Starting to do something

Sweet Pepper - Status: one is doing decidedly better than the other, both are way behind schedule
Lettuce - Status: I need to start eating you

Cucumber - Status: I will start eating you next week

Beans - Status: I will also start eating you next week

Peas - Status: I have already eaten you, despite a horribly late planting and minuscule plants
Peas - Status: Someone else has also started eating you

Rhubarb - Status: You have already made two cakes and a pie, yum
Flox - Status: I won't eat you but probably someone thinks your new blooms are pretty
Flox - Status: Probably the camera prefers to focus on your neighbour

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